Fat experiences

More on noticing my gain

I used to be size 1-2 in jeans
then i remember the last time i bought jeans with a number size instead of a letter size (normally S or M) it was size 5

So after my recent try on of the romper that i thought would be too big but was really tight instead, i figured I’d buy size 7 shorts.

I didn’t have time to try them in store, they looked like they’d fit.

i tried them at home just now and they button and all that, but fit very stiffly, and give me a bit of a muffin top despite them being high waisted

i could return them but i think it’d be kinda hot stuffing myself into them until they burst one day.

still haven’t gotten or seen a scale.

last time i weighed myself which was severalll months ago i was 110

i’m guessing i’m 115 or 120 ish now??
(i’m 5’5”)

most of my pants are quite stretchy but even they are growing tight around my tummy, and my shirts are mostly all over sized on me, so i can see how i wouldn’t have noticed.

i feel jigglier idk if it’s placebo or not...
5 years

More on noticing my gain

Hopefully you'll be outgrowing more clothes soon!!
5 years

More on noticing my gain

Next time you should get clothes that are too big, that you can barely wear. Eventually of course, even those ones will become extremely tight.

I'd also recommend using a tape measure and keeping a table, with dates. You'll love the evidence of your arms and legs getting thicker and thicker.
5 years

More on noticing my gain

Next time you should get clothes that are too big, that you can barely wear. Eventually of course, even those ones will become extremely tight.

I'd also recommend using a tape measure and keeping a table, with dates. You'll love the evidence of your arms and legs getting thicker and thicker.

good idea, i have plenty big shirts and stretch pants

i can feel my high waisted stretch pants grab extra tight on my belly after eating, snacking or drinking a lot and when i get up and walk i can feel my belly kinda shake forward and it scoots my pants down off of my tum.

i have to pull them up a lot i’m noticing, to put the band back where it needs to be

ugh now that i’m finally noticing this stuff it’s more encouraging for me to try to push it further ya know?
5 years

More on noticing my gain

Next time you should get clothes that are too big, that you can barely wear. Eventually of course, even those ones will become extremely tight.

I'd also recommend using a tape measure and keeping a table, with dates. You'll love the evidence of your arms and legs getting thicker and thicker.

good idea, i have plenty big shirts and stretch pants

i can feel my high waisted stretch pants grab extra tight on my belly after eating, snacking or drinking a lot and when i get up and walk i can feel my belly kinda shake forward and it scoots my pants down off of my tum.

i have to pull them up a lot i�m noticing, to put the band back where it needs to be

ugh now that i�m finally noticing this stuff it�s more encouraging for me to try to push it further ya know?

Indeed. I felt a nice sense of satisfaction when my thighs finally went past 20" around. Now I kind of want to get to 21" and I have less than a quarter of an inch to go!

I'm not sure how I will feel if and when I'm officially overweight.
5 years

More on noticing my gain

update, bought a scale.

turns out i’m bigger than i thought 😶
i was guessing i was 115-120

very encouraging

clothing update
i tried on size 9 in the same shorts (found at a different walmart)
fits better.. but still some minor belly spill.

tried next size up i could find , size 11
which is officially recognized by walmart atleast as Large...
they fit very comfortably an have some room for bloating and of course gaining.

i’m shocked and also very happy because i was soooo nervous that i was gonna get on the scale and still be 110, how naive of me.

ya girl is getting fat...

celebrating with a full pint of cream tonight instead of my planned half pint. 1600 cal.

my scale calculates the max calories that i guess are considered responsible to consume everyday for my size as about 1,900

or atleast that’s what i think i that means idk.

i also bought a measuring tape so i could see the damage more specifically.

i recall my bust size was 37”
belly was 30 or 31 i think
hips were 34”
and i don’t recall the others..

now i’m
Bust 38”
chest (right under bust) 32”
waist (smallest part when looking in mirror) 31”
belly (at naval) 33”
hips 37”!!!
thighs 20” each

i’m so excited to outgrow these double digit shorts.
5 years